Fair Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About Trump’s Reelection

I had a sinking feeling in my gut for 37 days straight back in 2000. I had pulled a 13-hour on-air shift for ABC News Radio, gone home at 1:00 a.m. on Election Night, and we still didn’t know who had been elected president. The “not knowing” was a nail-biter for me, as I’m sure it was for almost everyone else. The Supreme Court finally stopped the Florida recounts and then we knew who the president was. I haven’t had that sinking feeling this year.

There’s never been a moment of uncertainty or doubt as to the fact that Donald Trump won this election. We still have to sort out the results and send some people to jail – but we all know who won the election. And we also need some answers to some very serious, fair questions.

These are all questions that we’d like to see the press asking, but they never will:

Do the cities where massive vote discrepancies took place on Election Night have a history of electoral fraud?

Wouldn’t it be interesting to see an hour-long news special exploring that question? I’d watch it, especially if it involved honest reporting. I pulled Detroit out of a hat and ran a quick Google search on election fraud there. The most recent felony arrest was in 2018. Huh. That was a quick 5 seconds of research.

In 2019, Southfield City Clerk Sherikia Hawkins was arrested on 6 felony counts of election fraud. During the 2018 election, a bunch of different places stopped counting the votes that night and then the Democrats inexplicably won a bunch of seats at 3:00 in the morning. (Almost as if it were a trial run for 2020, right?)

Ms. Hawkins hasn’t gone to trial in Detroit yet, but she’s accused of personally altering almost 200 absentee ballots during the hours when the vote counting was shut down for about three hours. So… imagine a crew of 100 people tampering with ballots at that same rate of speed, you could manufacture 20,000 votes during a 3-hour shutdown, or 40,000 votes during a 6-hour shutdown, and so on.

Sure, the Southfield City Clerk was just one person in one city… but that was 5 seconds of research. Imagine what a team of reporters could uncover if they really applied themselves to answering that question. Instead, they just endlessly repeat the phrase, “Election fraud is a myth.”


Who really owns these damned voting machine companies?

That should be a very simple question to answer and we ought to know the answer to it because it’s a major national security issue. Who really, truly, actually owns SmartMatic and Dominion Voting Systems? Sure, we know that DVS was founded by Venezuelans, operated an office in Canada and was supposedly owned by another company run by George Soros’ right-hand man in London. But who owns that company?

Nobody knows! Its ownership is hidden behind a bunch of shell companies in the Bahamas and Denmark. The more you try to unravel the spiderweb of shell corporations around these voting machine companies, the more it starts to look like they are yet another CIA operation.

One America News has now confirmed that in Toronto, Dominion Voting Systems’ headquarters (which is suddenly an empty office) shared a floor in a building with the Tides Foundation (Soros) and a Chinese data analytics company. Probably a total coincidence, right?

Are American votes truly being processed, tabulated and counted in foreign countries, and is the data on servers in foreign countries?

This appears to be true and I tend to believe it. But is it true? And if it is true, why are we just learning this right now? Sure would have been nice to know about this long before the election, so we could have made decisions about it ahead of time.

If this is true, then it means the 2020 election is null and void. Seems like the only piece of the puzzle that Sidney Powell is missing at this point would be a data packet of votes being sent to just one overseas location, and it’s “game over” for the fraudsters. The Kraken wins!

There’s no way to audit a machine on foreign soil. Even if we got our hands on one of the servers (which we may or may not have, depending on reports out of Germany), would we be able to get accurate information from it and would we be able to tell whether vote totals had been tampered with?

These are serious questions. I think that since the media won’t pursue these questions, President Trump should make it a mission of his second term in office to hunt down answers to them – so we never have to go through another fraudulent election like this again.

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48 thoughts on “Fair Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About Trump’s Reelection”

      1. I don’t know who wrote this article, but if you really want to know who bought all of the voting machines, the one place to go would be the DNC. There had to be a central point to organize so large of a operation, that involved so many states. This had to be done by the DNC ( Dumb Nitwit Commies ).

        1. What really upsets me is that no one asks what the DNC played in all of the illegal crap that is going on. They talk about Biden and his son, they people making accusations, But no body talks about the DNC, there has to be a central point of control for all of this. We need to look at what the rule of the DNC organization is playing in this.

        2. This corrupt election is another steel dossier, hoax that what it is. Clinton’s club of thiefs, Biden the best friends with China Russia doing business with enemy of America, Obama who sends Americans money to Iran. That’s who is in charge of corruption a d of course Soror famous communist with billions dollars who hate America.

  1. Why are there swing states? If 90 percent of the states can tabulate and report election results by midnight on election day why aren’t all states required to do so? States not reporting timely should have there results discarded. What if members of the electorial college don’t show up when they are supposed to?

    1. Regarding swing states: They were targeted by the Dems because the Dems new from 2016 that the algorithm in the machines wasn’t sufficient to carry Biden over Trump. When the truth comes out, which it will, you will see algorithmic ballot manipulation in every state that used them. With the swing states THERE IS SO MUCH HISTORIC AND ESTABLISHED PEOPLE DRIVEN CORRUPTION that they were the Dems emergency backup plan. That’s why they had to stop at midnight. Also if you had watched critical areas of these states through out the night, which I did, you would have seen a cheating game being played by counties in those states. They were both holding back tallies. Small Republican base counties holding back truthful voting for both Biden and Trump holding back so the crooked Dem ones, Dane County in WI as an example, didn’t get a chance early on to do smoothe increases in Biden votes. Finally the smaller ones closed out properly with Trump in a large lead. The other states, if you will still had cheating going in but the algorithms handled it for the Dems to an extent because of the large number of Dems in those states.

    2. I agree Stan 100% and I still say that photo ID should be required. I showed mine when I voted and in my state it is not even required. That might help and paper ballots also no machines. I did my paper ballot too.


  2. How do we (the American people) go about getting answers and actions, to correct what has been done to our country’s electoral process ?

    1. I am so frustrated.
      Where do 74 million Americans like us go to at least have a fair and unbiased investigation.
      It is like living in North Korea or Cuba or Communist China. When did the media start this here in the best country in the world?
      When Trump beat the queen in 2016.

      1. This is what I’d like to know. As far as I’m concerned this election was a fraud. You can’t trust the voting machines. There some people who signed affidavits under threat of perjury if they liked and they were fired.
        A lot of people think I’m nuts, but it’s my opinion.


  3. Journalists should be asking Biden about how he would guarantee the absolute security of future elections. Especially since he is not forthcoming with any such plans on his own.

    1. Don’t worry. Biden won’t be President. Trump will in a very legitimate way. And no I’m not talking violence. Pray, and I guarantee it will happen, but in a way NO ONE KNOWS right now.
      I guarantee it.

  4. 1. Bombard Congress, Supreme Court justices, Justice Department, etc with emails, letters, petitions demanding they abide by the Constitution and recognize the rights of We The People!
    2. Plan organized protests at every mainstream news network simultaneously and make them acknowledge that we represent the “BASELESS CLAIMS ” of voter fraud that they refuse to report about.

    1. Agree. Free and fair elections is a fundamental principle of democracy. There is more investigation given to an alleged fraudulent high school prom queen election than has been given to the 2020 Presidential election fraud allegations. Democracy lives in the light and dies in the dark.

  5. People must go to jail for their actions. When there are no consequences for illegal actions, illegal actions will simply continue. Start at the top for blatant failures. AG Barr would be a great start, followed by Comey.

  6. Why doesn’t President Trump call for a new election in these swing states that are in question? Why not have the National Guard stand watch over the voters and the counting of the ballots? Why not have register mail in absentee ballots? Why not have A FAIR election that does not have George Soros at the center of it all? Is the American Politicians so sold out to their own self interest that they cannot do what the People who elected them desire? Have the American Politicians been threatened into doing George Soros bidding? How long have George Soros ruled America? Inquiring minds would like to know, When was there NO Voter Fraud in American Elections?

    1. President Trump has declared the Georgia Senate runoffs invalid and illegal because they are. Get to the true results from Nov. 3.

  7. The pattern was the same that was mentioned above in the article. Vote counting stopped. Trump was well ahead in the swing states. Poll workers and observers were sent home for the night. Then, in the morning Biden somehow had gotten these ridiculously high amounts of vote dumps and took the lead. Poll watchers arrived and were told the counting was over. The Analysis shows massive uploads of Biden votes early in the morning. None of these votes were observed. Does none of this strike the officials, courts, media or our government as strange? Does none of this need to be looked into? Do that many people hate Trump so much that they are willing to allow our election to be corrupted? It is disgusting. The media says, “there is no evidence of massive voter fraud.” Can you say that without a wink and nod?

  8. We need to protest the inaction of
    Our senators, the Supreme Court,
    The FBI, and DOJ. We also need to fight for Term limits for the Supreme Court Justices,, Senators, and congressional members. Too much power is what these folks have.

    We need to take back our country from these political activists.

    1. Term limits for all elected and appointed people in Washington is the only answer for our elected folks to see that they work for the American people and not for who can give them the most money. The American people need to have term limits on the ballot and not controlled by our Congressmen. We need people in Congress to have a little dose of common sense ,not power that they have now. They work for the American people but it is quite clear that they could care less once they get to their office in Washington!!!! Wake up Congressmen the American people are tired of your nonsense!!!!!

  9. Omg. before the election, there were sooo many election commercials that I couldn’t wait for the whole thing to be over. Now almost 2 months later we still do not know who really won? Well we do know, and government has failed us. Unfortunately selfish politician’s have forgotten that they are supposed to serve us, instead we feel imprisoned, and live in fear and this is not what our country is all about, Being brainwashed by your local news is no way to live. NOBODY WANTS JOE BIDEN, so why is the government and big tech trying to sell the Idea that Joe won and will be president? I am not brainwashed and I am not buying what they are selling. we must all stand together on this and not let our country fall into the hands of China Joe. and yes all those involved in this corrupt election need to be PUBLICLY EXCUCATED including the owners of Dominion and Smartmatic, and all public officials that are calling yo disbar any lawyers working for Trump, and all senators from other states trying to unseat republican senators. Here is the proof Twitter—- Trump has well over 88 million followers,,,, Biden has barley over 20 million followers—– maybe less than that now that everyone is on to you Joe—– and Joe FYI Twitter followers are not assigned to you, they are earned. I can not think of any Trump supporters that would want to follow you. Now we want you in jail___concede you traitor Joe–

  10. An above question is a good one to ask our Senators in each state. “How are you going to assure there is no more voter fraud in the forth coming elections?” Insist for an answer. Our 2 Senators blow off questions they don’t have an interest in. One has been in for decades and needs to stop running for re-elections. This, a good case for term limits.

  11. I’m not interested in “forthcoming” elections. I WANT THIS ONE FIXED!!! If this one isn’t fixed, you can forget about future ones being honest!

    1. I agree the Democrat officials (( this includes governors, mayors, AGs’, other elected officials, and election officials ) that illegally altered or changed laws to influence the out come of the election. ) in these battle ground states are obstructing an investigation into the election, and they should be arrested and charged. Charged with conspiracy to obstruct a federal investigation, and with violation of the constitution, and subversion of the office of the president ( a coup ), and treason.

      I would not shoot them, I would put them in the desert with one gallon of water apiece. Then when the water got low they will start killing each other for a drink. When the last one runs out of water he/she will die slowly of thirst. a fitting end for a traitor. Would save a lot of tax money by not having to execute them. The buzzards will eat the remains. Nice clean job, did not have to bury.

  12. The way this was done it will be impossible to determine who won. To many illegal ballots have already been mixed in with legal ones and no way to determine which is which. The only way to do this is with a new election.
    Rules for National Elections
    Following constraints apply to all states and or territories eligible to participate in national elections.
    No mail in voting.
    Absentee ballots for military and medical reasons only, medical must be validated by doctor.
    Absentee ballots must be requested thirty days prior to election day.
    Absentee ballots must be received two full days prior to election day, no excuses.
    Election ends 8:00 pm on election day, no ballots arriving after that time will be counted, no excuses.
    Full ID and signature verification required.
    Any and all non-citizens attempting to vote, will be subject to immediate deportation, no exception.
    Poll watchers from all parties must be allowed access to verify all ballots, poll watchers may not be denied access, regardless of party affiliation. if for any reason access is denied all counting is halted immediately until the problem is resolved.
    These rules apply to all states, and these rules may not be changed or altered in any way by any state and or territories eligible to participate in national elections.

    KISS………..Keep It Simple Stupid

    We don’t have to wait for a trial they are guilty until proven innocent, that is the socialist way

  13. A part of the courts job is oversite, and if someone or some state is violating the constitution, then the court should step in, whether there is a complaint or brief filed in a lower court or the high court directly. If the court is not doing this then the court is not doing the do diligence it is suppose to do, to protect the constitution. And if the court is not going to do its job then it is up to we the people to do the job, and if we have to do the job then we just as well fire the court, we are the only ones that can. It makes no difference if a judge is conservative or liberal if the judge does not follow the constitution. The constitution was not put there to protect the legislature, the administration, or the court, it was put there to protect we the people, from the government, by putting in guide lines for the government to follow. When the government does not want to follow, then the government has to go. I think that the court gets so tongue tied with the literal meaning of the law that it forgets what its job is.

    Since officials in a number of states have taken it upon themselves to make laws with out the legislative bodies in those states, that the constitution gives the legislative bodies the power to do. They are ignoring the constitution, and need to be reigned in. It is past time for the SCROTUS to do its do diligence, and step in, if the SCROTUS does not wish to do so, then we the people will have to do the job of the court, and we will not need the court.
    Liberals think that they can change the laws just by wishing it, and that is wrong. That is the way kings and queens and tyrants rule, and that is why our forefathers wrote the constitution, to keep the corrupt from getting in power in government. That is why we have come to the point of needing to set term limits and to remove immunity that protects those that would try to abuse their position by creating greater transparency in the government.

    Just like they did with the Hunter Biden scandal, the fake news and the media, are covering up what states are doing to hide the evidence. It is not only in the so-called battle ground states. The governors and judges, and election officials in these states, are violating the law and the constitution of the United States, by making laws illegally, and suppressing the evidence, by refusing to allow ballots, and machines to be investigated. As much as I hate to say this the Supreme Court is condoning this behavior, by not enforcing the constitution. This is their job, to protect the constitution by enforcing it. The Supreme Courts job of over site does not end because a case is not filed in a lower court. There is nothing in the constitution that says the Supreme Court it’s self cannot call on the DOJ or Superior Court to take action on such matters, and for it not to do so is negligence. As I have said before and will repeat.
    Liberals think that they can change the laws just by wishing it, and that is wrong. That is the way kings, queens, tyrants, and dictators rule.
    The constitution was not put there to protect the legislature, the administration, or the court, it was put there to protect we the people, from the government, by putting in guide lines for the government to follow.
    U.S. Code Section 242 of Title 18, Deprivation of rights under color of law, makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
    For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties.

    Some states have gotten the idea that they can just change laws because they want to. However that is not the case, when a state becomes a state they sign on to the constitution and the bill of rights, and all of the laws contained with in the constitution. These are the over riding laws of the land, and apply to all states, and can not be just dismissed out of hand by any state governor, state legislature, or any state official, or local officials. It does not work that way. The constitution and the bill of rights can not be changed by any government body be it federal state or local. Changes to the constitution and the bill of rights can only be made by we the people. Not with E.O. or legislation by any governing body, or any whim of someone on the supreme court.

    1. That goes to Trump and all those senators and Ags who filed those fake lawsuits. They had no evidence they lost all their judicial challenges. The Constitution “Pervails” Stop crying you lost because of Trump’s cruelty towards others.

  14. Ga., The governor has been in on the whole thing all a long. He has been working to bring Chinese businesses in to the state for a long time. instead of trying to encourage Americans to start businesses, and rebuild our own industries. Kemp and Happensperger, both need to go. I know that I miss spelled his name, but he doesn’t deserve to have it spelled right. They both betrayed not only the people of Ga. but the rest of the country. they both should be hung as traitors.

    Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and Brian Stelters and George Soros, and Mike Bloomberg and their freedom of speech is the biggest threat to democracy. All they do is spew vile hate all day long, they think that caring about another is a criminal act. I have to wonder if they care about their mothers, I kind of doubt it. Anyone that spews that kind of hate can’t really care about anybody, not even their mothers. Jesus would be horrified to learn of this. He would be horrified to know that after making their fortunes off of this country, they have turned on it.

  15. I hear that the regular dems want to start a new party. With out the radical leftists. They want a democratic party that they recognize. They don’t like all of this social BS that the communists are trying to shove down their throat. They think that the communists should have started their own party instead of trying to hi-jack theirs. They think people like AOC and the squids are not democrats they are commies that have use the democrat party to conceal what their real agenda is, and get democrats to support them before they know what they are. Now the democrats must reorganize a new party, and leave the radicals to rot on the vine.

      1. Mr. Mcguire It would be helpful if you would say who not to believe. IF you were referring yo the idiots in my post above I agree, if however you are referring to someone else, please let us know……Thank You

  16. Now is, the time to escape the CNN prison, and get to OANN on ATT 208 or NewsMAX on ATT 210 and safety and freedom and fresh air. Must act quickly before it is to late, and you are brainwashed into believing their nonsense and the constant lies that they spew all day long. It must take a lot of stamina to be able to lie like that, and the endurance to be able to keep coming up with all of this crap all day long. “incredible”. and it is really unbelievably stupid. Run to Parler right a way to save your freedom of speech and thought and beliefs and get some fresh air and honest reporting. It is essential that you do so right now, save your sanity.

  17. I think that it was Kelly that said AOC likes to play the victim. Well ! AOC is right she is a victim. She is a victim of her own immaturity, and life experiences. Lets face it you don’t learn much getting drunk in a bar.
    As far as her higher learning is concerned she needs to go back to the school she went to and get her money back. She did not learn a thing.

    AOC should watch Bernie very carefully as Biden greases Bernie’s butt, just as Hillary did in the DNC primary. Good old Joe thinks of himself as the Godfather of the Chinese Mafia ( The DNC ). Dang Nabit Crooks.

    Swalwell isn’t the only Chinese spy in the government. There are hundreds in congress, they are called demonicrats.

    To those at the Communist Network News, Dominion software’s tricks really are a conspiracy Theory. One that is drummed up by you. The simple truth is that Dominion conspired with the DNC and the Biden campaign to undermine the 2020 election, and that CNN, ABC, NBC, THE LAME DUCK MEDIA, and others that conspired to hide or suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, and undermine the election are not only guilty of suppressing evidence they are guilty of treason, by trying to put a compromised ( and demented ) person in the office of the presidency thus undermining the security of the country. So as you can see there was a conspiracy to undermine not only the election but the country, by all of the above, that should be removed from the country.
    Got along without you before I met you gona get along without you now. I call them the Lame Duck Media, because the are ducking their responsibility to the people, and as such should be removed from the country.

    Are you all nuts supporting this maniac Trump…?
    It is better than a nut that can’t remember who his old bag is even if she is a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that would put a chain around your neck even if you are a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that will give your job to an illegal even if you are a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that would sell your kids to human traffickers even if you are a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that would put you in jail for protecting your family even if you are demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that take your car an let you walk 20 miles to work even if you are a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that would put you in the army and send you off to war even if you are a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that would give vaccine to the world before your family even if you are a demonicrat.
    It is better than a nut that would smell your little girls hair even if she is a demonicrat.
    At least this nut knows where he is, where he is going, how to get there, and how to get back.
    This is to much information for a demonicrat to handle. They go to school to be brainwashed, not really learn anything. So when they have to do something that requires any thinking they don’t know how.

  18. What we need is to make sure that hiring practices don’t discriminate against Republican or Independent teachers at any level of the education system. We need to monitor what they teach and not let them teach personal beliefs, even if we need to put cameras in the class room. Stop unions from deciding curriculum. That is not their job. Do not make up history keep it real. It is good to see that some of the so called woke people are waking up. The GTLC club will breakup.

    GTLC= Group Think Losers Club, People that group think can’t think for themselves, so they follow blindly where ever their blind leader goes. These are the so call woke people that refuse to wake up, and see the real world.

  19. “The People” mean nothing! Not what Our Founding ForeFathers had in mind!
    Our Constitution means nothing if WE THE PEOPLE allow those in Washington and others, such as George Soros, decide Our elections for America and it’s People! The next step to government tyranny? Remove the arms from it’s People and all defenses are removed! WE NEED OUR CONSTITUTION TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! There is no room for ‘DIVISION’! UNITED ALL, WE STAND!!!

    1. I am so happy to hear that a lot of people like you guys love Trump and you guys care about what our forefathers went and stood for also this is not Cuba this is not Communist China and this is exactly what them democratics is trying to do to us and I say that we all stand and we all speak out concerning what we care about and what we careful concerning America now all of these people is not no good for us and up to no good and I I again called on the Republicans how dare you turn your back on President Trump shame shame shame on you you all should stand up for President Trump and mitt Romney they should Throw him out of the Republicans cabin and put him with a Democratics he belongs with the democratics he is not a true Republican he has always been jealous of our president Donald Trump met Romney he is a devil Mitt Romney I’m telling you to get from out of the Republicans cabin and go with them devil democratics socialist

  20. Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and Brian Stelters and George Soros, and Mike Bloomberg and their freedom of speech is the biggest threat to democracy. All they do is spew vile hate all day long, they think that caring about another is a criminal act. I have to wonder if they care about their mothers, I kind of doubt it. Anyone that spews that kind of hate can’t really care about anybody, not even their mothers. Jesus would be horrified to learn of this. He would be horrified to know that after making their fortunes off of this country, they have turned on it.

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