Haven’t Got an Argument? Why Not Riot?

Berkeley CA – A mirror image of the riots in Washington DC occurred last week when the conservative tech editor for Breitbart News, Milo Yiannopoulos, attempted to give a speech. Fires were set, a transformer was toppled and burned. Molotov Cocktails were thrown through the windows of university buildings. People were beaten with flagpoles bearing the Antifa banner, and hordes of masked rioters carried signs emblazoned with the words, “This is War.”

Like in the days leading up to the presidential inauguration, when Craigslist ads were discovered calling for paid agitators funded by Moveon.org and George Soros, there are reasons to believe the riots were funded by the left. Mike Cernovitch, a conservative author and blogger who was on the scene reported that campus security made no effort to stop the rioters and even withdrew into their building while assaults, vandalism, and threatening demonstrations were going on.

Cernovitch alleges that Berkeley admin sent a stand down order to campus security before the event took place- suggesting that they knew in advance there would be violence and that they didn’t want anything to interfere with the riot.

If this is true, that Berkeley intentionally planned and supported a violent shut down of a talk by Yiannopoulos, then they will have to answer to the president, who has suggested that they should lose their federal funding if they are deliberately suppressing free speech.

One attendee reported that the atmosphere before the scheduled talk was one of terror. “We knew it was unsafe to show that we were there to see Milo,” he said. “If you had a Trump hat, you kept it in your jacket. If you wanted to show someone that you were not Antifa- you could flash your MAGA hat at them.”

“MAGA” is an abbreviation for the campaign slogan of Donald Trump, “Make America Great Again.” Until last year, the only places where wearing the wrong item or color could get a person beaten were gang infested neighborhoods in southern California. Today, liberal neighborhoods and college campuses are dangerous places for conservatives, libertarians, Trump supporters, and advocates of free speech.

One woman who went to hear Yiannopoulos, Kiara Robles, was maced by a masked Antifa member for wearing a hat that is similar to a MAGA hat, except instead of “Make America Great Again,” her hat read, “Make Bitcoin Great Again.” Apparently, for one rioter- who has not been apprehended or identified- the urge to violence was much more energizing than the urge to read.

The violent actions of today’s leftists are only revealing them for the low-information and bloody-minded totalitarians they really are. So, in the long run, there isn’t much to fear from them.

What is truly frightening is that both before and after this riot, Hollywood stars and reporters on CNN and MSNBC have applauded and encouraged violence against conservatives, Trump supporters, and anyone who disagrees with them.

The response from many independent reporters who post on YouTube and run their own blog pages has been to advise their ideological compatriots on how to be safe in public, to defend themselves and their friends and family. One YouTuber, whose channel is largely about meditation and spirituality spoke to the Alt-Right on how to use non-lethal force to stay safe and legal while braving liberal crowds.

Shortly after the riot, President Trump tweeted, “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”

The tweet was taken as a threat by commentators such as Rachel Maddow. But, it is reasonable that a so-called institution of higher learning, where the free exchange of ideas should be enshrined and protected may only receive public funds if it upholds the public good. If the principle of freedom of speech- on which our Constitutional Republic depends- is being attacked by such an institution, then it should not benefit from our tax dollars.

But as the violence on college campuses rises, and as school administrators continue to allow for the violent suppression of free speech- there will be no need for Trump to cut off federal funding. Parents will stop sending their kids to these places. They will opt for distance learning- and in the age of the Internet, there are many more affordable alternatives to enrollment in a traditional college.

While this violent trend has many people outraged, there is reason to believe that what Antifa calls a revolution is really just the death rattle of a totalitarian ideology that received a killing blow in November of 2016.

~ American Liberty Report

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