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Anti-Trump Republican Super PAC Threatens Trump-Supporting Senators in Congress

Liberal extremists are defacing monuments to American heroes who won the Civil War out of cancel culture ignorance, but Republicans have a well-organized band of traitors in their midst. A group of so-called “Never Trump” political advocates posing as Republicans are targeting GOP Senators to sway the balance to Democrats.

The group was founded by Never Trumpers like Kellyanne Conways husband, George Conway; CNN contributor Rick Wilson; Reed Galen, who worked for John McCain and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Recent remarks  by a member of this insidious group of RINOs indicate the Lincoln Project super PAC plans to target high-ranking incumbent GOP Senators that support President Trump.

“The analogy would be in the same way that fire purifies the forest, it needs to be burned to the ground and fundamentally repudiated. Every one of them [Trump supporting Republicans] should be voted out of office, with the exception of Mitt Romney,” Steve Schmidt, of the Lincoln Project, reportedly said.

The RINO super PAC has already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertisements in an effort to unseat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Martha McSally (R-AZ). Senators Ernst, Tillis, and McSally face potentially close elections this November.

The Lincoln Project super PAC traitors also reportedly endorsed Montana Democrat Gov. Steve Bullock, who is running against Republican Sen. Steve Daines.


“The only way to make sure that Trumpism doesn’t continue to rule the Republican Party for years to come is to make sure that we defeat not only the president, but those people who have enabled him,” former New Hampshire GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Horn reportedly said.

Their nefarious scheme appears to be to help Democrats unseat enough Republican Senators to lose the majority. Resist and obstruct Democrats would inevitably block all of Pres. Donald J. Trump’s federal judges and likely U.S. Supreme Court nominations. Given that upwards of four Supreme Court justices could be replaced during the next four years, the treacherous Lincoln Project would hand the country over to liberal activists posing as impartial justices for decades.

“Trump has to lose and every Republican senator up for reelection has to lose because they’ve enabled. Do I want the Democrats to take control of the Senate? No,” failed former Rep. Joe Walsh reportedly said. “It means the Democrats will be in control of D.C. and they will try to push policies I disagree with. That will leave someone like me fighting against their policies. I don’t look forward to that, but that will be the necessary result.”

Walsh, a radio talk show host, floundered trying to garner traction against President Trump’s America first agenda as an Independent while he was in Congress. During his flighty career, he has identified as a moderate Republican, Tea Party member, and Trump supporter until he lost due to Democrat gerrymandering in Illinois. These days, his words resonate with the same cancel culture illogic that has liberals tearing down statues of President Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. His upside-down reasoning is echoed by other RINOs trying to empower the radical left.

Bill Kristol, a former Weekly Standard editor and adviser to the group Republican Voters Against Trump, went on the record stating that handing Democrats a 52-seat majority would not be problematic for the country. He must be seeing America’s political landscape through rose-colored glasses because he reportedly said, “I think the cartoon version of the Democratic Party on Fox News and conservative outlets — that’s not going to be the party that governs.”

Call them Brutus, call them Judas, but conservatives can no longer consider these backstabbers conservatives or Republicans.

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